惠國 鳳止高梧

  • Tags: Design
  • 發佈日期: 2016
惠國 鳳止高梧


中文有一句成語說,良禽擇木而棲,指的是居住者對於住宅的美好追求。”鳳止高梧”,就是代表著美好的建築與住戶互相吸引。我們以鳳凰還巢的設計概念,來比喻住戶每天回家的過程。呼應建築空間及室內空間的現代風格,簡化飛行的動作而成為幾何的線條,設計出本案的指示系統(Orientation System) 帶領著住戶,回到他們最美好的居所。


As the old Chinese proverb goes, “a fine bird chooses for itself the tree upon which to perch” – such is an inhabitant’s desire and longing for its dwelling place. The Phoenix and The Sycamore Tree represents the irresistible attraction between beautiful design, architecture, and the residents within. We designed the building with the concept of the Phoenix returning to its nest. With modern architectural and interior design, geometric lines resembling the action of flight, and an Orientation System designed specifically for this project – our goal is to lead our residents back to their most beautiful and desired abode. 

555x622 2
555x622 3
555x622 4
1138x622 2
+886 02 2362 6292

